Cosmetic dental services can restore the appearance of damaged teeth. Most people who seek dental services deal with tooth decay, which occurs when mouth bacteria destroy the structure of the teeth by producing acids. Tooth decay begins by demineralizing a tooth’s most affected portion. Eventually, cavities form on the tooth and continue to expand when left untreated. A cosmetic dentist Scottsdale can stop tooth decay progression and restore the aesthetics of the decayed tooth.

Tooth decay damages the structure of teeth and can lead to permanent discoloration. Typically, teeth whitening treatments cannot fix such discoloration. Usually, cosmetic dentistry covers up discolored or damaged teeth. Below are popular cosmetic dentistry treatments that can restore the look of decayed teeth:

Composite Bonding

This involves using cosmetic resins made from a combination of glass and plastics. These composites match the color of your teeth. Often, the procedure begins with injecting a local anesthetic to make sure you do not feel pain while your dentist gets rid of the decayed material from your tooth. The dentist will clean the area before applying cosmetic resin. They will use a curing light to harden the material, The process ends with polishing the restored tooth. Composite bonding is perfect for fixing minor tooth breaks, chips, and decay.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns or caps cover the visible portion of the teeth, instantly restoring their appearance. They protect the tooth from mouth irritants like acids. The procedure to get a crown is more invasive than repairing with composite bonding. However, crowns offer a long-lasting solution. They can last more than a decade when properly maintained.

When placing a crown, your dentist will numb the area to be treated with a local anesthetic. The procedure involves removing enamel from your tooth to create a better fit. The impression of your tooth is taken and sent to a dental laboratory that creates dental crowns. Your custom restoration should be completed in around two weeks. Before this, you will get a temporary crown to protect your prepared tooth. You will revisit your dentist for another appointment once the permanent crown is ready to be fitted over your tooth.

Dental Veneers

These thin shells go on the teeth’s front-facing portion. Their role is to cover up blemishes on the most visible part of your tooth. Dental veneers can treat cosmetic problems such as minor chips and discoloration.

Putting veneers on your teeth is like placing crowns. Your dentist will numb your teeth and remove enamel from the front. The amount of enamel to remove is based on the veneers’ thickness. By shaving off enamel from your teeth, veneers won’t make your teeth look unusually bulky.

Your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and send it to a laboratory to make the veneers. You will get temporary veneers before the final ones are completed. After two weeks, your veneers should be ready for placement.

Teeth Whitening

This cosmetic dentistry procedure is the most affordable and straightforward. It is performed to correct teeth discoloration. The procedure starts with cleaning your teeth thoroughly to get rid of plaque, food debris, and tartar from the crevices of your teeth. Depending on the severity of the discoloration, your dentist will use bleaching agents to improve the color of your teeth.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal procedures are performed to address seriously decayed teeth that have an infected pulp, which is located inside your teeth. The procedure includes clearing the pulp chamber of soft tissue to prevent or treat an existing infection. Your dentist will drill a hole into the chamber and remove the pulp with a file. They may apply medication before sealing your teeth back up.

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