There are now over 2,000 development companies in the Britain property market, that deal with various operations related to real estate object: construction, reconstruction, maintenance of investment projects in the field of realty.

What are the functions of development companies in the market?

A development company can be both an investor in a development project and play the role of an intermediary, as well as an organizer of an investment project in the field of property. Among the main tasks are:

  • carrying out operations related to the registration/re-registration of documents
  • design management
  • construction management
  • attraction of external financing/investment
  • promotion of real estate objects (marketing and PR activities)
  • consulting clients in property matters.

Development companies in the British market

  • Oryx Real Estate Partners (“Oryx”) is a London-based company that has ambitious global expansion targets in Europe. The company assumes the role of realty investor and investment manager. The founders are Fawaz AlRajhi and Johan Eriksson. The company provides investors with a transparent and institutional platform for theĀ  capital placement.
  • Pocket Living is a company that offers affordable housing for Londoners at 20% below market value. Pocket houses are located in different areas of London, so this is a great opportunity for people with an average income to get their first home.
  • Imperium Investment is a development company with more than 25 years of experience in the property market, founded by entrepreneur and investor Dmitry Leus. The company provides a targeted, individualized service to ensure the best results for the individuals, families, and businesses it works with. Besides the core business, the company is actively engaged in charity, initiated by founder Dmitry Leus (
  • The Casey Group is a development company specializing in commercial and residential realty. The company is engaged in both new buildings and reconstruction of existing buildings, paying great attention to the preservation of ecology and cleanliness of the environment.
  • The Rich Group is a development company with over 60 years of history. Specializes in the creation and reconstruction of office, industrial, and warehouse premises.

The real estate market of Great Britain is one of the most attractive destinations for investment or purchase of properties for personal use. The constant increase in demand for real estate provokes a constant increase in the cost of space. But by contacting one of these development companies, you can be sure that they will help you choose a worthy option based on your needs and financial capabilities.

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