If you’re searching for houses for sale in Oxford, you may not know where to begin when it comes to questions to ask the estate agent. After all, seeing property after property can very quickly get overwhelming. To ensure you’re getting as much information as possible, there are some questions you should ask as you look inside each home. Here are a few to set you on the right track.

  • Find Out Why They’re Moving: There are lots of different reasons people choose to move, but understanding the seller’s motivation may help you decide whether this is a home you want to buy. Perhaps they just need more space to accommodate their growing family. Maybe they’re moving for a job. Maybe, though, they hate the place and recently got into a dispute with the neighbours. Those are the kinds of things you need to know. Keep in mind, though, that you don’t just need to know them so that you’re aware of potential problems with the home. You may also want to know them because they can be a valuable bargaining tool. If, for instance, they need to move for a new job, they may be willing to accept a significantly lower offer.
  • Understand the Neighbourhood: Ask about both the neighbours and the neighbourhood itself. If there have been noise issues and complaints, it may not be the type of place you’d like to live. Likewise, if amenities you care about are not accessible, you’ll want to know that as well.
  • Know What Is Included In Your Purchase: That little garden shed you love out back? It might not come with the house. It’s possible many of the features of the home may not be included. Whether that means the adorable gazebo in the garden or the metal cabinetry in the garage are going with the owner, you need to know what comes with the house and what does not before you actually make an offer.
  • Ask How Long the Property Has Been on the Market: Knowing exactly how long the seller has had the property on the market can actually give you quite a bit of information. If it’s been out there for a few months, there may be a hidden reason buyers just aren’t interested in it. It could also be an indicators of other issues – like a market price that is far too high or a seller who is unwilling to negotiate. No matter what the reason, it may end up working out to your advantage if you truly fall in love with the property.
  • Learn More About the Plumbing and Electrical: Find out simple things like whether there’s a bath, what the water pressure is like throughout the home, and how long it takes for water to get hot. Do a bit of digging, too, to learn whether there are enough plug sockets and whether there have been any wiring issues in the past. A warm, well-lit place with running water is a must for anyone looking at houses for sale in Oxford, so you want to make certain that’s exactly what you’re getting.
  • Don’t Forget to Investigate the Garden: Take a hard look at the house from the outside, and ask a few questions. Find out when the roof was installed, what plants are in the garden, and how much of the garden space is yours. A roof is typically only good for about 30 years, so if this one is nearing the end of its lifespan, you’ll want to know. Gardens are only as beautiful as the time you put into them, and some plants are higher maintenance than others. Do you have time to invest in the plants that already exist in the garden? Finally, knowing the boundaries of the property, particularly if they’re not marked by a fence, is incredibly important.

If you’re shopping for houses for sale, Oxford has many to choose from. The key to getting the right one to meet your needs, though, is to ask as many questions as possible so you learn what you need to know about the property before you actually place a bid on a home.

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